Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Application Security Testing 2014

One publication that usually became a lot of attention in the application security market is of course Gartner’s magic quadrant. A new one for Application Security Testing (that is confusingly abbreviated with “AST”, a term that in software anylysis usually stands for Abstract Syntax Tree). A couple of years ago, Gartner created two new quadrants … Read more

Automating Security Tests – Part 1: Testing for Security Headers

Today, performing unit tests has become a standard in many development teams for automatically performing various tests on code (e.g. as a compulsory part of the build process). Especially in agile development, the existence, completeness and quality of such tests is a critical aspect for ensuring that the application is still working after each commited … Read more

Code Scanning Models: Factory vs. Self Service

A few months ago, Gary McGraw wrote an interesting article on SAST deployments in the field. In it, he basically differentiates two service models: Code Scanning Factory (actually he called it “centralized code review scanning factory for code review”) Self Service The main idea behind both models is the most fundamental question when it comes to … Read more

10 Reasons Why We Need Application Security Testing Tools

Despite the fact that there are quite a few reservations concerning the use of application security scanning technologies (e.g. false positives, false negatives, usability, and of course the price), there are also a couple of good reasons for using such tools: 1. Applications Are Getting Bigger and Bigger Enterprise applications can be quite big: 100,000 … Read more