Shift-Up Strategies for Elevating Product Security as a Management Priority

Since “shift-left”, and also and “shift-right”, have increasingly been taken over as marketing terms, I believe it’s time to explore other directions as well. For instance upwards. In my opinion, one area that has received far too little attention is how we can elevate the priority of security and better promote its significance to management … Read more

SSDLC Quick Wins

Securing the software (development) lifecycle of a large organization will usually take a lot of time. Especially when you have to start very much at the beginning. It’s therefore vital to focus on quick wins first — measures that are effective and easy to implement at the same time. This is not only important from a risk … Read more

Agile Threat Modeling

Combining threat modeling with an agile development methodology such as Scrum is a quite challenging topic: Creating a threat model usually requires an experienced security expert and some effort to do this. But how does this work, when a model can be outdated quickly when new threats are introduced by every new user story and … Read more